CCE Admits Day Open House
8:00 AM Breakfast | Beckman Mall
8:15 AM Welcome to Caltech | Dennis Dougherty, CCE Chair
8:30 AM Graduate Studies Option Introductions
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, 147 Noyes, presented by Bil Clemons
Chemical Engineering, 106 Spalding, presented by Kostas Giapis
Chemistry, B122 Gates Annex, presented by Brian Stoltz
9:30 AM Campus Tour | Beckman Mall
10:00 AM Lab Open House & Research Discussions | Campus Map | List of participating labs
12:00 PM Lunch | Beckman Mall
1:30 PM Campus Tour | Beckman Mall
2:00PM Poster Session | Beckman Mall
3:00 PM Faculty & Student Social | Beckman Mall
5:00 PM Students Depart
COVID Resources
If you test positive at the hotel, you will not be able to participate in the in-person event. Per the Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD), you will also be required to isolate and quarantine (for a minimum of 5 days; up to 10 days if needed) in your hotel room until:
- You have had no fever for at least 24 hours (without the use of medicine that reduces fevers), and
- You currently have no symptoms (e.g., cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc.) or your symptoms are significantly improved or resolving, and
- You have returned a negative viral test result on day 5 or later.
COVID Protocol to Ensure Safety of Entire Group
To ensure everyone's safety during the prospective visit day program and in accordance with the PPHD guidelines, we outline the following procedures in the event you become symptomatic at any point during the program:
- If you exhibit covid-like symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc.) during our visit, we will have rapid tests on hand for you to take. Regardless of the outcome of the test, you will not be able to participate in the in-person portion of our program.
- You will need to quarantine in your hotel room for the remainder of the program. If you test positive, you will follow the same protocol outlined above (same procedure as testing positive upon arrival at the hotel).
- If you test negative, we can provide additional tests for you to take before traveling to make sure you are still testing negative.
We want to reiterate that in the event of a quarantine or isolation, we will work with you to make sure you are taken care of until you are able to travel home. This means, your extended stay will be supported by Caltech CCE Division until your isolation period ends. We will also follow up with any contact tracing that needs to be done. If you need to go to urgent care or the hospital for whatever reason during your visit, please see the Local Urgent Care document for local resources that are compatible with most insurance policies. The CCE Division will be here to help guide you in the event you need to access any of these local resources.