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Division Office

The CCE Division Office is open from Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Division Office is closed from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. and on Institute holidays. Please see below for guidance and contact information.

Safety Check-In

Every individual must complete the Safety Check-In form upon arriving at Caltech and beginning within the division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CCE). This includes everyone in CCE: staff, students, faculty, etc.

Upon arrival, you must download the pertinent Safety Check-In form as linked below. There are two options, Staff and Researcher. If you are going to be working in any of our labs at any point, you must complete the Researcher check-in form. If you are not, complete the Staff check-in form. All training using the CCE Chemical Safety Manual are also linked below.

You must complete all the required fields of the form including but not limited to Name, UID, and the signature of both yourself and your supervisor. Upon completion, send this form via email to Anya Janowski ( in the Division Office.

If you will require keys to any offices or labs, please have your supervisor or supervisor's administrative assistant email that request to Anya including your name, UID, and the specific rooms and buildings you will require access to. Anya will notify you once your form is ready and deposited in your on-campus mailbox. If you do not already have a mailbox established on campus at Caltech, Anya will create one for you. You will then take your key request form to the Key Shop located on the back side of the Human Resources building on Holliston between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM to pick up your key.

Please direct any questions regarding this process to Rebecca and she will assist you.

Safety Check Out

When leaving Caltech, you must complete the Safety Check-Out form linked below and submit the completed form to Anya Janowski (

Please direct any questions regarding this process to Anya and she will assist you.

Safety Check-In Sheet - Staff

Safety Check-In Sheet - Researcher

Safety Check-Out Sheet

CCE Chemical Safety Manual