Chemical Engineering Seminars
Graduate Students are expected to attend all regular Chemical Engineering Seminars. The opportunity to learn about the research at other institutions is an important part of a graduate education, even if that research is not in your own specific dissertation area.
In addition to its regular seminar series, the Chemical Engineering department at Caltech hosts several special series:
- The yearly special lectures honoring W. N. Lacey recognize outstanding research and are held during the winter or spring quarters.
- The yearly special lectures honoring Robert W. Vaughan recognize outstanding research and are held during the winter or spring quarters.
- The Constantin G. Economou Memorial Lecture recognizes an outstanding candidacy report from a current Ph.D. student in the department, and is offered during the fall or winter term.
A complete listing of upcoming Chemical Engineering Seminars is available on the division calendar.
From time to time, we schedule Special Chemical Engineering Seminars, announced on relatively short notice. Although wide attendance at these special seminars is, of course, desired, we recognize that these may be of interest to only a limited number of students and do not necessitate the full attendance that we require at our regular seminars. Notices of seminars are distributed via email, posted on bulletin boards in the Spalding Lab building and announced in the Caltech calendar.