Solid State NMR Facility
The Caltech Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (CSNF) was established in Fall of 1998 in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Caltech in order to fulfill the demand of studies of advanced solid materials using solid NMR spectroscopy. The facility is equipped with three solid NMR spectrometers, Avance 200, AM 300, and Avance 500 with a variety of both liquid and solid NMR probes, so that most state-of-the-art NMR measurements can be readily achieved. Some examples of solid NMR applications are described in detail below. Any groups or research laboratories who wish to use this facility are welcome to visit the laboratory which resides at the sub-basement of Sherman Fairchild Library (011 SFL) and get in touch with the director, or electronically request information about setting up a schedule by sending an e-mail to the director.

Probes equipped:
- Two Bruker 7 mm CP MAS probes.
- One Bruker Wide line probe
- One Chemagnetics 7.5 mm CP MAS probe.
- One Bruker 10 mm liquid probe..

The AM 300 Bruker spectrometer was heavily modified to perform a variety of solid state NMR experiments. The system was also updated with the TECMAG.
Probes equipped:
1. One Bruker 7 mm CP MAS probe.
2. One Bruker 4 mm CP MAS probe.
3. One 5 mm Bruker liquid probe.
4. Two 10 mm Bruker liquid probes.

A 500 MHz spectromter with Bruker UltraShield magnet (the first wide bore 11.7 T magent installed) was installed at Caltech in December of 1998. The spectrometer is equipped with three rf channels and a triple resonace 4 mm probe from Bruker:
- One 4mm Triple Resonance probe.
- One 4mm Double Resonance Extended VT probe (-120 C - 300 C)
- One 7mm CPMAS probe for low gamma nuclei (20 MHz-100 MHz)
- One 10 mm solution probe.
- One 2 mm probe (Max spinning ~ 50 kHz)
People in the Facility
Sonjong Hwang, Ph.D.
Tel: 626-395-2323
Fax: 626-568-8743
Grad Lab Assistant:
Neal Scruggs
Mailing address
Caltech Solid State NMR Facility
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
MC 210-41
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
FY2022-23 Rates
FY2022-23 CCE Rate Sheet
*Consulting fees might apply depending on service request (contact the director).
Useful Links
ENC (Experimental NMR Conference)
RMC (Rocky Mountain Conference)
EENC (European ENC)
Alpine Conference (A European conference on solid state NMR)
NMR Resources
NMR Journals
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Solid State NMR
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance
NMR Related Links
NMR Information Server
Basic of NMR by Prof. Joseph P. Hornak
NMR Periodic Table
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
WebSpectra, UCLA
NMR Facilities
National High Magnetic Field Lab
World Wide NMR spectroscopy Research Groups
Prof. Ad Bax, NIH
Timothy A. Cross, Director of the NMR Program at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Prof. A. Pines, UC Berkely
Prof. Robert Griffin, MIT
Prof. Hans W. Spiess, Max-Planck Institute
Lyndon Emsley , Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Prof. Shimon Vega
Prof. Malcolm Levitt, Universitet Stockholms
Prof Robert Tycko, NIH
Prof. Kurt Wulich, ETH
Prof. Warren S. Warren, Princeton
James Prestegard, Yale
Prof. Karl Mueller
Prof. David Zax