Student Groups
Chemistry Graduate Studies Committee
Women in Chemistry
Graduate students are encouraged to take advantage of the intellectual environment on Caltech campus, including a variety of research seminars from world class scientists spanning a wide range of disciplines including chemistry, biochemistry, biology and physics. In addition, graduate students have the opportunity to select and invite distinguished seminar speakers. Students also have the opportunity to present in various trainee seminar series on campus.
Biochemistry seminar series
Organic chemistry
Chemical physics
Advisor Selection
Advisor Change
Candidacy Exam
3rd Year: Annual Progress
PhD Propositions Exam
Additional Information
Language requirement
Subject minor
Masters degree
Resource Centers and Facilities
Molecular Observatory
Cryo-EM Facility
Proteome Exploration Lab
Protein Expression Center
Biological Imaging Facility
Laser Resource Center
Alison Ross
Graduate Option/Program Manager, Chemistry
Phone: (626) 395-6110
Office: 167 Crellin
E-mail: [email protected]
Linda Hsieh-Wilson
CB & MB Track Advisor
Phone: (626) 395-6101
Office: 354 Crellin
Email: [email protected]
Brian Stoltz
Option Representative
Phone: (626) 395-6064
Office: 301C Schlinger Lab Chem-Chem Eng
E-mail: [email protected]
Theo Agapie
Executive Officer
Phone: (626) 395-3617
Office: 314 Noyes
E-mail: [email protected]
Dennis Dougherty
Division Chair
Phone: (626) 395-6089
Office: 357A Crellin
E-mail: [email protected]