Students are not ordinarily admitted to graduate work leading to an M.S. degree. Under special circumstances, and with prior approval of the Graduate Study Committee, a master's degree can be obtained.
Learning Outcomes. Students who obtain the Master's Degree in Chemistry will have gained advanced knowledge in modern chemistry through a program of graduate-level courses, and an introduction to chemical research through participation in a project under the direction of a member of the professorial faculty. These outcomes are demonstrated by completion of coursework and by submission of a satisfactory Master's Thesis.
Requirements. All master's programs for the degree in chemistry must include at least 45 units of chemical research and must satisfy the course program described above. The remaining electives may be satisfied by advanced work in any area of mathematics, science or engineering, or by chemical research. Two copies of a satisfactory thesis describing this research, including a one-page digest or summary of the main results obtained, must be submitted to the divisional graduate secretary at least 10 days before the degree is to be conferred.
In addition, the fulfillment of the thesis requirement must be signed off by a designated faculty member on the M.S. candidacy form, and a final copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Office no later than two weeks before the degree is to be conferred. The copies of the thesis should be prepared according to the directions formulated by the dean of graduate studies and should be accompanied by a statement of approval of the thesis, signed by the advisor directing the research and by the chair of the Chemistry Graduate Study Committee.