Current Members
Faculty and Staff
Prof. Brian Stoltz, Faculty Chair
Prof. Garnet Chan
Prof. William Clemons
Prof. Scott Cushing
Prof. Sarah Reisman
Prof. Maxwell Robb
Prof. Kim See
Alison Ross
Jordan Thompson, Student Chair
Jordan is a fourth year graduate student in Sarah Reisman's lab. He is interested in natural product total synthesis (organic chemistry, more broadly) and enjoys cooking/baking and crossfit. As chair of CGSC, he is very involved in organizational responsibilities but also CGSC Summer Seminar Series, the Big/Little Sib Mentoring Program, and Seminar Day.
Kate is a second year graduate student in the Reisman lab. She is interested in organic chemistry, mainly total synthesis and method development. She enjoys lifting and going to the beach on days off.
Brian is a fifth year grad student in chemistry in the See group, studying metal anode interfaces in battery systems. In his free time, he roots for Sisyphean sports teams and indulges in metal.
Emily is a fourth year graduate student in Sarah Reisman's lab, studying data-driven strategies for organic reaction development. Outside of the lab, you can find Emily baking, running, or spending time with her dog, June.
Helena is a fourth year graduate student in Prof. Linda Hsieh-Wilson's group. Her research interests are developing new methods for mammalian glycan detection and studying the role of specific glycan modifications in protein structure-function relationships. When not in the lab, Helena likes to spend time with her two bunnies, Bunny and Elliot.
Originally from the Bay Area, Maia graduated from Rice University and is now a second year chemical biology graduate student at Caltech. When not in the lab, Maia loves playing board and card games, exploring different coffee shops, drinking tea, and having TV show and movie marathons with friends.
As past chair and now a rising fifth year, Jake now spends his time wrapping up his dissertation and some final publications while also advising CGSC on their next moves.
Interested in joining the CGSC student reps? We hold an open CGSC meeting every spring and solicit applications for new members around that time as well. Look for emails announcing this meeting around April. You can also contact us at any time by emailing the CGSC student representative email list, [email protected].