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Center for Catalysis and Chemical Synthesis (3CS)

Based on a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2006, Caltech has established the Center for Catalysis and Chemical Synthesis (3CS). This center includes state-of-the-art robotic instrumentation for the high throughput screening, discovery and analysis of novel chemical entities for catalysis and chemical synthesis. The facility has the capability to investigate reactions at a range of temperatures and pressures under inert atmosphere conditions and analyze the results rapidly using highly sensitive analytic instrumentation. The facility is located on the third floor of the new Schlinger Laboratory for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.


Examples of operations performed at the 3CS

  • Reaction parameter optimization in 96 well format
  • Kinetics sampling of 6-12 reactions at selected timepoints
  • Crystallization setup in 96-well layer-diffusion format
  • Parallell synthesis of ligands

Kinetics sampling of 6-12 reactions at selected timepoints

Contact Information

Scott Virgil, Ph.D.
Office: 301A Schlinger
Lab: 312 Schlinger
Telephone: (626) 395-3340
e-mail: [email protected]

Mailing Address

Scott Virgil
Department of Chemistry
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125