Campus-wide research resources - Human health and medicine
Beckman Institute: Fostering innovative research in the chemical and biological sciences
- Biological and Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy
- CLARITY, Optogenetics and Vector Engineering Research Center (CLOVER)
- Functional Genomics Resource Center
- Laser Resource Center
- Molecular Materials Resource Center
- Molecular Observatory
- Programmable Molecular Technology Center
- Proteome Exploration Laboratory
Center for Molecular and Cellular Medicine: interface of chemistry and biology
Rosen Bioengineering Center: supports bioengineering-related research
Jacobs Institute for Molecular Engineering for Medicine: biomedical research based on molecular engineering to invent the next generation of medicines
The Merkin Institute for Translational Research: transform breakthroughs into advances in human health
Center for Environmental Microbial Interactions (CEMI): important problems involving microbes in bold and innovative ways
Carnegie Science: Astronomy; Earth and planetary science; Global Ecology; Genetics and developmental biology; Plant science
- Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech
- Caltech Brain Imaging Center
- Center for Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Chen Brain–Machine Interface Center, Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience, Chen Center for Systems Neuroscience
- Chen Center for Neuroscience Education