Mark E. Davis
Mark E. Davis
Research Summary
Synthesis of zeolites and molecular sieves; Synthesis of catalytic materials; Synthesis of biomaterials; Gene therapy
Assistant: Matt Buga
The central theme of the Mark E. Davis research group is the use of chemical engineering concepts (synthetic chemistry and analytical engineering problem solving) to answer important fundamental questions in the physical and life sciences.
Current research entails designs for the synthesis of inorganic and hybrid, organic-inorganic materials for catalysis and biocompatible materials for the delivery of macromolecular therapeutics.
ChE 101. Chemical Reaction Engineering.
9 units (3-0-6); second term, 2019-20.
Prerequisites: ChE 62 and ChE 63 ab, or instructor's permission.
Elements of chemical kinetics and chemically reacting systems. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Chemical reactor analysis.
Instructor: Davis
Instructor: Davis
ChE 130. Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory.
9 units (1-5-3); third term, 2019-20.
Prerequisites: ChE 63 ab, ChE 101 (may be taken concurrently) or instructor's permission.
Design, construction, and characterization of engineered biological systems. Students will propose and execute research projects in biomolecular engineering and synthetic biology. Emphasis will be on projects that apply rational or library-based design strategies to the control of system behavior.
Instructors: Davis, Vicic
Instructors: Davis, Vicic