George R. Gavalas
George R. Gavalas
Research Summary
Inorganic Membranes; Separations; Clean Fuel Technology; Materials Processing; Catalysis
Assistant: Sohee Lee
Inorganic Membranes; Separations; Clean Fuel Technology; Catalysis
ChE 63 ab. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
9 units (3-0-6); second, third terms, 2019-20.
A comprehensive treatment of classical thermodynamics with engineering and chemical applications. First and second laws. Applications to closed and open systems. Equations of state. Thermochemical calculations. Properties of real fluids. Power generation and refrigeration cycles. Multicomponent systems, excess properties, fugacities, activity coefficients, and models of nonideal solutions. Chemical potential. Phase and chemical reaction equilibria.
Instructors: Gavalas, Ismagilov
Instructors: Gavalas, Ismagilov