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Caltech/JPL/Art Data Visualization Summer Program Final Presentation

Thursday, August 23, 2018
3:30pm to 5:00pm
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Caltech/JPL/Art Data Visualization Summer Program Final Presentation

2018 Summer projects

1. PIXELATE: PIXl ELement Analysis Tool
2. GRVIN: Granular Research Visualization INterface
3. MERLIN: MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup INterface


PIXELATE PIXl ELement Analysis Tool
PI: Dr. David Flannery, JPL Planetary Chemistry and Astrobiology

How can researchers quickly view and analyze microXRF data from the Mars 2020 rover's PIXL instrument to enable astrobiology research and mission planning?
PIXELATE allows researchers to investigate the composition, spatial patterns, and geological history of Martian rock samples by enabling generation, cross-comparison, and analysis of 2-D element maps, x-ray emission spectra, and novel correlation chord diagrams.

GRVIN: Granular Research Visualization INterface
PI: Prof. Jose Andrade, Caltech Civil and Mechanical Engineering

How can visualization help researchers understand the underlying physics within granular materials?
GRVN enables efficient, clear 3D visualization of forces and other dimensions associated with grain sample experiments with affordances for both high level and grain-scale analysis.


MERLIN: MISR Enhanced Research and Lookup INterface
PIs:  Michael J. Garay and Abigail Nastan, JPL Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) group

How can we create more widely accessible, explorable representations of NASA's MISR instrument fire plume data?
MERLIN allows researchers to filter, investigate, and intuitively visualize fire plume subsets based on geography, plume height, fire radiative power, and other appurtenant metrics.

Getting here: Closest parking structures are on South Wilson Ave. and California Blvd.