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Ch 1 ab
General Chemistry
a is 6 units (3-0-3) first term; b is 9 units (4-0-5) second term  | first, second terms

First term: An introduction to general chemistry concepts with a focus on structure and bonding. Concepts will be tied to fundamental principles related to energy sustainability. Descriptions of atoms, both the physical and electronic structure with an introduction to quantum mechanics; chemical bonding models building up from molecules to extended solids; periodic trends; electrochemistry; and descriptions of states of matter. Second Term: A continuation of introduction to general chemistry concepts with a focus on chemical reactivity, and properties of complex chemical systems. Concepts related to energy, sustainability and human health will be the focus of the course with coverage of chemical thermodynamics; kinetics; non-covalent interactions; structure and bonding of organic molecules. Grade pass/fail.

Instructors: Agapie (a), Nelson (b)